End of Year Competitions (1) – 10 May 2024

This was the first of our end of year competition evenings to determine the winners of four trophies:

Joan Blackledge Trophy – for the best of three images on a theme (prints)

Crystal Trophy – for the best floral image (print)

John Moxon Trophy – for the best image on a gardens theme (DPI)

Project Trophy – for two different images sharing the same title (DPI)

We were very pleased to welcome Rose Atkinson as judge for these competitions. Rose gave very detailed and constructive critique, which was much appreciated by members. The winners were:-

Joan Blackledge Trophy – Andy McGarty for “Poltimore House Two Days Before The Fire”

Crystal Trophy – Lynda Piper for “Fritillary”

John Moxon Trophy – Steve Eckhardt for “Sheffield Park Gardens in Autumn”

Project Trophy – David Faulkes for “Missing Person”, one image of which was also the judge’s choice for the best overall photo of this competition.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all those who entered.